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Sunday 30 January 2011

Another sunday another GO4LOL.

Ok we are all awake for our next GO4LOL, the go4lol#22. We ended up winning our last go4lol so we have some honor to defend :-). I will keep you updated with our matches and with streams if we have streams. For now we are just waiting untill the tournament brackets come up and as i see this will be a big go4lol with already 117 confirmed members in this edition !

Stay tuned !

Thursday 27 January 2011

Interview with Wickd the current nr1 in Europe and member of Sk-Gaming

Today i sat down with Wickd from Sk-Gaming and the current number 1 in europe solo ladder.

So this interview with the first to ever reach platinum in Europe Wickd, can you give a little introduction to yourself ?

well im a guy at the age of 16 currently studying in high school.

I think alot of people want to know what is the key to your succes or do you think luck is a big factor in raising your elo ?
well to be honest i can't deny that luck is a factor, but the reason i started tryharding everygame is actually not because of luck. It's because a real life friend of mine didn't believe that i could get nr 1, and i thought i had to prove it to him and myself. After i got rank 1 i thought well why not try to go as far as possible now that i have tryharded so much. I also believe it helps to be nice to the people you play with, and tell them how good they are doing when they do something good, and that it's actually not that bad if they make a mistake or two, i often came back from totally lost games like yesterday i played versus ocelote and he was super farmed corki 7 1 or something destroying us but we still won cause we had better setup in the end.

Not only do you have great succes as a solo-player but also with your team the current SK-Gaming without a doubt the strong number 1 in Europe, is there any reason for this succes ?
i believe the reason for the succes behind SK gaming is that everyones individual skill is top level.

Can you tell us when, how and why you started to play League Of Legends ?
well i started league of legends in the open beta version right after european servers were released. I randomly found them as advertisement on a site, and i thought well let's try it out. i kept playing league of legends because i believe it's a amazing game, and i really love how riot are handling most things (except replays ofc).

How do you see your future in this game and the future of this game in the competitive scene?
i believe the competitive scene is rising, and i am going to try to do as much as i can to help it rise by streaming and other things like that. my own future in the game i obviously hope is bright and shines with the light of god.

hat do you think is different in Europe and US and is their any difference in skill and tactics?
i believe that the difference in EU and US is that American's like to run with a strong solid fighting combo
while EU likes to run a bit more with a few more pokes to take down the enemys health before a teamfight starts

Is their anything you would like to to different for this game if you were in Riots position ?
i would release more information. Example sometimes the servers sadly go down, and i believe they could give us way more information like: we might have found problem, no that was not it, we might have found it again, yes that is it. so just all around more information

Any last shoutouts or anything you wanne say to your fans?
Play the game and be nice to each others guys. It's way more fun for everybody that way.

Well thanks for sitting down with me wickd and having this interesting interview.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Who am i ?

Many people might ask who is WetDreaM? Well let me introduce myself, i am Tim Buysse and i live in belgium. I am 25 years old and i love gaming. I have been gaming since somewhere in the mid 90's. My first ever serious game was Starcraft and after that Starcraft Broodwar. From SC i switched after 10 years to Counterstrike Source in that game i learned some leading skills :-). I started out making my own team and managed to put it in the top of my country. After counterstrike i said to myself i would never lead a team again because when it goes good its all fine but when it goes bad you will mostly get the blame yourself :-) making bad calls etc... And then there are still the internal problems that every team has i suppose :-). Although i found a simple solution to a problem in the team talk it out or remove the issue.

The after my CS:S career i stopped serious gaming a bit and moved on to runes of magic. I still play that game and i still have fun there but with our daily practice on League Of  Legends and my upcoming wedding its rather hard to focus on more then one game ! I never actually wanted to lead like i said before but with all the problems we were having starting with Howdidyougetthisfar into topELO someone had to pick up or let the effort we worked for go to waste. So after a few players disbanding/kicking it was Me, Mellisan and Pingus left so i had to go look for new talents and i dont think they were so easy to find at that point. No real skilled 5vs5 players were teamless so i had to go search in the soloqueue and there i found xPeke and CyanideFI. With those 2 coming in the team our team was fine as it was good nice group of players that want to have fun and it just shows the more fun you have to better you will play and the more effort you will do for your fellow members.

Later on after we had some succes we took some others players into the team to try them out and to this point our team has a steady group of 7 players: WetDreaM, Pinugs, Mellisan, Shushei, Xpeke, CyanideFI, Lamiazealot. I dont expect any big trouble with this group we are having now as they are all more then motivated and each one of them would go through fire for eachother.

WetDreaM signing out !

Sunday 23 January 2011

GO4LOL #21 Final

Today we won our second GO4LOL vs H2K.Tt, ( ).

picks oSk: Nunu ( jungle ), Ashe, Sona ( duallane ), Chogath ( top ), Morgana ( Mid )
picks H2K.Tt: Shen ( jungle ), Miss Fortune, Lux ( duallane ), Malphite ( Top ), Malzahar ( mid )

I already think we won it in picks, there only strenght in their combo was if they could pull off their burst with the Malz, Malph, Lux combo if they pull it on any of our squishy that would have been good but too hard to pull off and when they didnt ban morgana it was pretty much already countered. We had a really good early stage, taking the kill in the level 1 fight, i think Skaft didn't really pay attention standing in the open in mid catching morgana's Q and left an open kill for us. After that we just went to lanes and we also took the first kills on the lanes and the first dragon. We were really ahead already then, we still had some close teamfights, have to complement H2K on this but in the end we didnt really have any problems at all, we did a few bad timings at baron 2 times letting them steal once and once doing it when we were too low. Lesson learned :-).

xPeke did a good job on morgana like he always does on any hero, i have to complement my entire team for playing good and steady and keeping the good spirit and the fun in the games because thats what is important ! The only sad thing in this game was MoMa's and Beardie comment saying it was a one man show and its sad but true. That's like saying our entire team is bad and we only win because of one player. As everyone knows this game cant be won alone and every single guy did an awesome job on his role, complements to Mellisan recently changed to support because we kicked Osaft22. On short time notive Mellisan shows us to be a great addition to the team.

Thx for reading,


GO4LOL #21 oSk-Gaming ( Match vs aaa )

 oSk-Gaming vs team-aAa

Osk: Vladimir(xPeke) / Zilean(shushei) / Tristana(lamiazealot)+janna(mellisan) Rammus(cyanide-jungle)
aAa: Shen(wewillfailer) / Gragas(sOAZ) / Urgot(kok tidus)+Taric(kujaa) / Malphite(yellowstar)

The game began with 1-0 to aAa loosing cyanide in that fight but as soon as we started lanning we were dominating with zilean and vladimir and first fights were pretty favorable for us since we had some more kills than them. We got first dragon without problems and sOAZ failed stealing it but he took revenge in second dragon which he easily stole. late we had some problems we tried to initiate but malphite stomped us all and we got almost aced, but then after going equal we made to catch shen(wewillfailer) pushing a lane and pushed then we made to kill gragas(soaz) and make baron without that much risk of getting it steal. Then finally last fight was so Great for us: urgot ultied me into their base and all 5 came to me.. i just did Ulti with vladimir and pool and shushei places 2 bombs for the time i go out of pool i pop zonya and they were already loosing 50% of their hp then everyone comes in and after zonya we just made the fight and the nexus ^^

pretty fun match and well played by aAa

Thanks to xPeke for this great match report

GO4LOL #21 oSk-Gaming

First round we had a freewin, normally early games arent too hard but RIOT managed to fuck up again maken several of our people have to reconnect giving our opponent early kills+dragon. Made it a bit harder for us then we are used too. We played our first match with Teemo, Warwick, Janna, Tristana, Chogath.

If you want to see our matches you can at the following link:

Have fun ;-)

Thursday 20 January 2011

Interview with "The Polish Hammer" Pingus

Hi, i am planning to make an interview with everyone of my members so you can get to know them a bit better, Pingus "The Polish Hammer" Zalewski was my first victim. Have fun reading !

Hi, maybe start with introducing yourself and tell us a bit more about who you are?

 Hello i'm pingus. I'm from Poland. I'm 20 years old and I study computer science at Warsaw University of Technology. I started playing league of legends about a year ago. 

 How are things going for you with the team what do you like/dislike ?

 I like the direction we are going, I like the fact that we are constantly improving. Sometimes when I recall how we played a 1-2 months ago and how we are playing now, I'm really happy with the directions things are heading. I'm glad that we finally started winning and stopped being "always 2nd". I thing that we are the team that uses the coolest setups (trying trilane, shushei crazy heroes ) and are most innovative. The only thing i dislike is that we often loose not because our opponents played well, but because of some small mistakes that shouldn't occur. 

 How and why did you start with league of legends?

 My mates from the university started playing Heroes of Newerth. I started playing it too, I got really into it, but I was really bad at the start. After some time I was average and then i found an info about league of legends, I liked it much more than HoN and sticked with it, althought my mates were not playing, so I had to play solo q most of the time.

 What is your opinion on how to be succesfull in this game?

 I think it's different for solo and premades. I'm not really succesful solo player, but I'd say play carries, play your best heroes and don't rage at random people, cause it never helps. In premades the most important thing is patience. I saw a lot of good teams disbanding for no good reason (just lack of patience). Even if you get 5 amazing players they won't immediatly form the best team.
You need time to get along with each other. Know the playstyle, the laning "chemistry", what to expect from your teammates. Then avoiding mistakes and being confident in the game is a very important factor too.
 Any tips on how people can find a good team or how to get accepted in good teams?
 I think the easiest way is get high in solo q. Try to figure the role that suits you best (tank, support, jungler, ad/ap carry) and stick to it. Get really amazing at it. Also as always be patient and don't be desperate, if you are really good a good team will eventually find you.
 What is your favourite hero in this game and why?
 I'd say Janna. I really like her design. Great support, skills you can have fun with. 
 How do you like playing for oSk and what do you think of the rest of the team?
 We are just starting with oSk, can't say much about them for now, but they seem like very nice guys and professional organisation with a lot of good teams. So i'm pretty happy about it. For the team let me least the superlatives: wetdream - propably the best ig leader and most flexible player in EU, shushei - his ability to carry with suprise picks are really amazing, xPeke, Mellisan are just
great, stable AP/AD carries. CyanideFi is the best Cho'Gath I've seen. And Osaft22 is one of the best supports in the world, no doubt.
 Do you play any other games then LoL if so wich ones ?
 Not really other computer games, mainly HoMM3 when i was young. Oh and also Battle for Wesnoth (really cool, free strategic turn based game), but I used to play a lot of Warhammer Fantasy Battle (we've got pretty big tournament scene in Poland) also a lot of boardgames. 
 What are your thoughts on the new hero Renekton?
  I think that he has a "window" when he becomes very good. It's midgame around 7-14lvl I'd say. I've seen that people dominate with him around that time, but he fades away late game and is not as good early as some others. But I haven't played him myself so it's just observations.
 Any last words?
 Shoutout to my team and to Lyryc, Rustoja and Normalny my biggest fans. :-D Also RIOT please nerf the hat.
Thanks for sitting down with me pingus to have this short but interesting interview !

Introduction to me and my blog

First of all welcome to my blog ! I am WetDreaM from oSk-Gaming the ingame leader and manager of this team. Our team consists out of the following players:

That's right you read it correctly 8 players ;-). Why 8 players you might ask? Well for optimal training against eachother or vs other teams it's kinda needed. Not everyone can play every day and we want optimum training each day as much and as long as we can and this is only doable with the range of players we have now.
We recently changed from our old organisation BIRTH to oSk-Gaming. Our team had some difficulty's before what we are now today, we have always had great players in this team but never has our team been more solid untill now. 
The one key of making a top tiered team is not always taking the best players in your team but making a group that sticks togheter and wants to improve, because no matter what the one thing you want to do is KEEP YOUR TEAM TOGHETER. This is where lots of people fail, and it is understandable because you are still dealing with real people and people get mad, upset, sad or have frustrations. The best thing is always talk things out and if it really doesn't work try changing 1-2 players but this won't always benefit your team, playing with people your used to play is much better then always having to look for new people to get used too.

Our achievemnts untill 20-01-2011:
1st VII (qualifs)
2nd EMS VII ( 1000,00 € )
1st CLG Invitational I
2nd Go4LoL #42nd Go4LoL #5
2nd Go4LoL #9
2nd Go4LoL #12
2nd Go4LoL #14
2nd Go4LoL #15
2nd Go4LoL #16
1st Go4LoL #19 ( 100,00 € )
2nd Go4LoL #20

I made this blog for people who have interest in our team, players and what we do. I will try to keep everyone as informed as possible with our upcoming matches/events and offcourse our go4lol's.

WetDreaM / oSk-Gaming

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